居場所づくり支援事業Um - 奄美市, 鹿児島県
住所: 日本、〒894-0005 鹿児島県奄美市名瀬佐大熊町14−6 稲井ビル 101 居場所づくり支援事業Um.
ウェブサイト: um1011mirai.com.
専門分野: 協会/組織.
口コミ: この会社はGoogle My Businessで0件のレビューを持っています。
平均意見: 0/5.
の場所 居場所づくり支援事業Um
「居場所づくり支援事業Um」は、鹿児島県奄美市名瀬佐大熊町14−6 稲井ビル101にある協会/組織です。この会社は Google My Businessで0件のレビューを持っており、平均意見は0/5です。
「居場所づくり支援事業Um」は、鹿児島県奄美市に位置する会社です。彼らは協会/組織の専門分野であり、 presently, there are no reviews for them on Google My Business, with an average rating of 0/5.
If you are looking for information about this company, I recommend visiting their website, um1011mirai.com. Although their contact information is not currently available, visiting their website can provide you with more details and insights about their services and offerings.
In summary, if you are looking for a company that specializes in associations and organizations, and you are located in or near 鹿児島県奄美市, then「居場所づくり支援事業Um」is a great option to consider. Despite not having any reviews yet, their website is a valuable resource for learning more about what they can offer. Don't hesitate to contact them through their website for more information.